Modelling Standard is a work in collaboration with Erick Beltrán and the illustrator Jorge Aviña which takes as a point of departure the historiographic approach of Italian Microhistory which, among other things, focused on minor details and anomalies as opposed to over-arching versions, as well as the Standard Model, a term used in physics to explain the almost invisible interactions occurring between subatomic particles.
We used both references to reorganize and reactivate apparently unconnected elements coming from literary sources, personal experiences of Erick and me, historical events, trivia, and scientific facts. The result of these connections is shaped into a "diagram of coincidence" through which we interwove relationships between the protagonists of a detective plot featuring Sigmund Freud, Julio Cortázar, Carlo Ginzburg, Michelangelo Antonioni, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Giovanni Morelli, Aby Warburg, Matt Mullican, Raymond Russel and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle among others.
Conference and 58 posters,
90 x 120 cm each, xerographic print.
In collaboration with Erick Beltrán.
Drawings by Jorge Aviña.
With the assistance of Enrique Arriaga.
Supported by AECID, Birbeck (CILAVS), Casa Vecina, CONACULTA, Ministerio de Cultura de España and SEACEX.